Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 3: Get a pen!

This week is easy. All that's on the list this week is to label each of the kits, and create a list of what your family would need over a 24-hour period in an emergency.

A quick and easy way to label the kits would be to use Duck tape, and wrap it around the handle of the kit. On the part that extends, you can write the kit owner's name in sharpie. Done!

The next part might take some time and thought, but it's worth it!

Make a list of all the things your family will need in a 24-hour timespan, kind of like you're packing to go camping.

For example, for our family, this list includes:

Breakfast for two adults and one toddler
Lunch for two adults and one toddler
Dinner for two adults and one toddler
Toilet Paper
Shampoo (for an emergency, dry shampoo and/or baby powder.)

etc. etc. etc.

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